Library 📚
The Pragmatic Programmer
The Manager’s Path
Running Serverless
Zero Trust Networks
Staff Engineer
Release It
The Clean Coder
Pro Git
Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins
Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow
LDAP System Administration
Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations
The Art of Software Testing
The DevOps Handbook
The Phoenix Project
The Evolution of cloud computing; How to plan for change
Software Testing and Analysis
Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins
Smartsourcing: Driving Innovation and Growth Through Outsourcing
Observing the User Experience
Introduction To Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Vagrant Up and Running
Media Diet
Science & Technology
Risky Business
- Weekly information security news and current events.
- High-intensity code tutorials and tech news.
- Videos about computers & computer stuff.
Dave’s Garage
- Tech history and stories from a retired Mircosoft engineer.
Technology Connections
- Explores the history of consumer electronics and home appliances.
- Science and engineering videos featuring experiments, interviews and cool demos.
The Plain Bagel
- Investing and personal finance videos with a hint of economics.
Patrick Boyle
- Hedge fund manager and professor talking about quantitative finance.
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
Mentour Pilot
- Aviation incident documentaries.
Scott Manley
- Current events in the space and rocket technologies.
- Current events in the aviation industry.
What is Going on With Shipping?
- Current events in the shipping industry.
Brick Immortar
- Shipping incident documentaries.
- Railroad stories and engineering.
Adam Ragusea
- “I cook and I show you how you can too.”
John Malecki Unscrewed
- Woodworking, DIY, and internet treads.
Adam Savage’s Tested
Just for Fun
- Explaining history simply.
TomSka & Friends
- Dumb videos from TomSka and his friends.
Decoding the Unknown
- Unraveling history’s biggest mysteries.
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