Continuous Delivery Pipeline Demo The goal is to showcase a pseudo-real-world pipeline’s structure, emphasizing key steps for company stakeholders. The application itself is minimal, as the focus is on the pipeline.
Local Jenkins For personal projects, I often need a CI/CD process but prefer to keep some projects private and avoid GitHub Workflows’ costs for private repos. To address this, I set up a local Jenkins that runs my projects out of the box. This approach ensures package version consistency, closely mirrors the production environment, and leverages containerization effectively.
FreeCodeCamp I decided to do the FreeCodeCamp courses for three reasons. To stay updated on self-starting developers’ learning methods, I want to better my UI skills, and I support frontend pipelines and felt I should have a better understanding on how frontend code is developed.
LineLock Simple static page that encrypt and decrypts single lines of text using the crypto-js javascript library.